Центральная детская библиотека


"The pages of books of Leo Tolstoy" (literary hour)

In library day pupils extended group OOS No. 3, weekly I try to visit the children's library. 2 Feb for them was held a literary hour "the pages of books Leo Tolstoy's" dedicated to the Year of Tolstoy in RT.

"Sport kaleidoscope"

in the regional children's library hosted an informational hour "Sports kaleidoscope", dedicated to the Olympic games in Korea, which will be held from 8 to 25 February 2018.

"New year's sweeping the planet"

The planet is walking time to the magical snowy-Christmas holidays: the time of tangerines, sparklers, assorted sweets and gifts.

"A good story not only for Alyonushka" (120 years) (Since the birth of D. N. Mamin– Sibiryak 165 years)"

November 16 children's library hosted the literary night -3 students "B" class ASOSH No. 1, dedicated to two significant dates. This year, we celebrate the anniversary of the writer D. N. Mamin – Sibiryak (165 years since birth) and the publication of his books from the "Golden Fund of children's literature" - "Andersen's fairy tales" (120 years from the date of creation).