Центральная детская библиотека


A writer with Crystal feather

1 Яндекс.Переводчик translate.yandex.ru с русского ↔ на английский Встреча с поэтессой Йолдыз Шараповой Meeting with the poetess Yoldyz Sharapova

"Multifaceted Chukovsky "(135 years since the birth of KI Chukovsky)

KI Chukovsky wrote that the purpose of the storyteller, first of all, is "to educate the child in humanity - the ability of a person to worry about other people's misfortunes, rejoice in the joys of another, experience someone else's destiny as their own." Therefore, those lessons that give his tales - this is a lesson for life, for both large and small.

"Woof - show"

«Sobaka — ochen' neobychnoye sozdaniye; ona nikogda ne pristayet s rassprosami, kakoye u tebya nastroyeniye, yeye ne interesuyet, bogat ty ili beden, glup ili umen, greshnik ili svyatoy. Ty yeye drug. Yey etogo dostatochno.»

"Let us live amicably"!

Not secret, that friendship unites children: extends child's interests, a desire to help each other appears, together сопереживать gladness and distressing. Therefore, this theme is very actual at initial school.

"How many years to Grandfather to Moroz"?

The new year is a time of magic and miracles, it is a holiday for everyone: for children and adults. This holiday gives all positive emotions and allows you to plunge into the world of joy.

"Fairy alphabet"

And you knew about the existence of “Fairy alphabet”?

Cinegetica "Book on screen"

3 Nov Tara children's library in the framework of the action "Night of arts" was held cinegetica "Book on screen"

"Mysterious Flower" literary game

On October 20, the district children's library, students were invited to 4 "A" class ASOSH №1 to the event "Mysterious Flower", dedicated to the 225 - anniversary of the birth of ST Aksakov.