Центральная детская библиотека


“Ask! Read!”

To the world day of information were invited students of 7 “A” class from school №1. For them was prepared the exhibition “Ask! Read!” from magazines and newspapers, corresponding to the age peculiarities of pupils. During the event, children could not only get acquainted with periodicals, but also to learn from the pages of these publications interesting tips, facts about their country, Republic, city.

"The right to be a child"

25 November in Arsk children's library hosted an interactive game, "The Right to be a child" for the world Day of children's rights. Attention of the audience was presented an electronic presentation to familiarize the students with the basic rights outlined in the Convention on the rights of the child. For example the fabulous heroes guys figured out how human rights are violated and that there are no rights without duties and duties without rights.

"Visiting fairy tales"

Getting to Arsk the Central library gathered the students 1 “B”class. This meeting, not just familiarity, but a holiday all the children, festival of children's books writers and favorite characters. After this visit, the books becomes even more true friends and the library even more curious readers.

"And mother Russia will remember us!"

3 November in Arsk children's library hosted the opening of the book exhibition "And mother Russia will remember us!" to the Day of national unity.

"And there is no end Esenin miracle"

Literary evening dedicated to the 120th anniversary since the birth of Russian poet S. A. Esenin were invited students of 7 "B", "B" classes.

"The fauna of my country"

The guys briefly acquainted with the history of the holiday is “World animal Day” . Further, were interviewed about their favorite Pets, their care. Concerned also about the kinds of animals that disappeared from the face of Earth the fault of the people who became victims of the greed, cruelty. And in the end they had an exciting quiz and fun cartoon.

"Let living in the heart of kindness!”

The International day of older persons were invited students of class 4 And school number 3 in an event called “Let living in the heart of kindness!”.The event was held with the aim of fostering respect and love for elders.