Центральная детская библиотека


"On the fabulous tracks" tour

This week in our children's library, opened the "season" ceremony of dedication of first-graders into readers.

"The realm of literary treasures"

One day there comes a time when you need to get acquainted with a large flow of books. Where may occur an acquaintance at such a young age? Of course, in the children's library.

Lesson of the World

September 1 in the regional children's library hosted a lesson of the World

Literary marketplace "Journey to fairytale"

Summer for kids is an amazing season when you can put aside the textbooks and relax. But still, the vacation will be much more interesting if the summer days do not forget about the book and the library. The staff of the children's library organized for children and their parents a literary site, "Journey to fairytale" at the Park "Kazan su".

«Volshebnaya sila slov i postupkov»

April 28 marks 115 years since the birth of wonderful children's writer, kind and honest, brave and chivalrous noble poetess, teacher - Valentina oseeva.