Центральная детская библиотека


"The best cultural diary of a schoolboy" (Award ceremony at the children's Sabantuy " rainbow of childhood»)

June 9 - a wonderful holiday of children's Sabantuy - "rainbow of childhood"was held at the stadium of the city of Arsk. On this occasion, for the ceremony, we invited the winners of "The best cultural diary of the student."Friends! We wish everyone to strive to learn new things, to study the history of their native land, to continue to visit theaters, concerts, to be interested in art, to read good and informative books. Good luck all!

«In fauna»

Animals are the best friends. Always listen, do not ask too many questions and sincerely love.

"Read with the whole family" (International family Day)

What is it necessary for a child to read a book or listen to his parents? The first and most important answer: it is the introduction of the child to reading, knowledge and understanding in the family! The library calls on parents: "Let's read together! Let's tell our children that reading is one of the most interesting activities in the world!»

"Who coined Uncle stepu?"(the 105-anniversary of S. V. Mikhalkov)

The house has eight roll one At the Outpost of Ilyich Lived high citizen, Nicknamed "beanpole», By the name of Stepanov And on behalf of Stepan, From regional giants The most chief giant… With these words on March 23, the children's library was opened by the literary holiday "Who invented uncle Stepa?»