Центральная детская библиотека


New year holiday

Every year, according to a good tradition on New year's eve, the district children's library holds a wonderful holiday of childhood “masquerade Ball”.

"The country of vivid impressions" (Literary game)

Fairy tales for children, the most time-tested friends. There is no doubt that reading fairy tales will bring all children and adults a lot of happy moments, they are wise and teach people kindness and wisdom.

"Great gift for mom" (on mother's Day)

In the light of kind words a lot, But all kinder and more important one: Of the two syllables of a simple word: "Mother" And there words more expensive, than it!

"Jalil readings" literary competition

The competition is held for the purpose of speech development and the formation of interest in the artistic word, in order to develop the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the poetic word

"New books as a gift" conversation

Chairman of the world public organization of Tatar women "AK kalfak" in the city of Kazan Rahim Arslanova presented her books to the children's library.