
Great Books - In Your Phone

The Ministry of Culture of Russia, together with the Russian State Library, has launched a free mobile application, "NEB Svet,” as part of the development of the National Electronic Library.

The Internet Portal: “Culture for Schoolchildren”

On April 2, 2022, on International Children's Book Day, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation launched the Culture for Schoolchildren portal, which will collect digital resources about culture for children and youth.

Share your point of view!

In the Republic of Tatarstan, a project is being implemented to publicly formulate goals and objectives.

International Project, "The Great Ethnographic Exam"

“The Great Ethnographic Exam,” is an educational project that introduces the culture of the peoples living in Russia, and also allows one to assess their general level of ethnocultural literacy.

New Lease Terms for Cultural Institutions

New Rules have been adopted by a resolution of the government of the Russian Federation which says that cultural institutions can make agreements to lease state or municipal property without bidding.

Ticket to the World of Art

At the behest of the President, Russia has developed a program for involving Russian youth in the cultural life of the country.

"NEB Svet" - Popular Books on Your Phone

The mobile application, “NEB Light,” based on the National Electronic Library, was released, and is available, free of charge, on the App Store and Google Play.

The 2nd All-Russian Competition, "Libraries: PROmovement"

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation would like to announce the second all-Russian competition “Libraries: PROmovement,” in which employees of the central and municipal libraries of the Russian Federation can participate.

The All-Russian Competition, “Librarian of the Year - 2021”

From April 5th to June 30, 2021, applications are being accepted for participation in the all-Russian competition, “Librarian of the Year - 2021,” founded by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, organized by the National Library of Russia, and co-organized by the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture.

Financial Literacy Project Competition

The Association for the Development of Financial Literacy announced the holding of an all-Russian competition for projects in the field of financial literacy development.

“A Special Look - Online "

In February 2021, in the Volga Federal District, the information campaign, “Special Look - Online,” will commence.

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