The Russian Initiative: “Volunteers for Children”

The Fund for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations ( officially launched a new stage of the Russian initiative, “Volunteers for Children!”

This is a large-scale project for the development of volunteer initiatives aimed at helping children, and families with children, in difficult life situations. The foundation, together with Russian regions, is implementing this project for the eleventh year.

 This year the initiative is acting under the motto, “Children for children.  Let's do it together."

 The action is aimed at:

- gaining the involvement of children in volunteer activities focused on assisting their peers;

- assistance to children and families with children in difficult life situations;

- volunteer initiatives to help lonely elderly people and veterans;

 - involvement of orphans, children left without parental care, children with disabilities, and children with various types of other disadvantages, in volunteer activities;

- use of Internet resources for the development of children's volunteerism.

 - regulation on the initiative, which details the procedures and rules for participation, the application form, and also a lot of other useful information, can be found on a designated page on the site: