Центральная детская библиотека


"And this is all about him" (to the 140th anniversary of the birth of B.S.Zhitkov)

September 11 marked the 140th anniversary of the birth of the Russian and Soviet writer, teacher, traveler, author of popular adventure stories and novellas, works about animals Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov. By the anniversary of the writer, a literary hour "And it's all about him" was held for students of the 2nd "A" class of ASOS No. 1.

"Russia is our common home" culture lesson

2022 has been declared the Year of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia. Its goal is to study and preserve the traditions, historical heritage of the peoples living in our country. In this regard, today we will get acquainted with the culture of the peoples living in our Motherland.

"Funny lessons about the most interesting things" (for the Day of Knowledge)

September 1 - the beginning of the school year is celebrated in Russia and in many other countries. The main characters of this holiday are first-graders, for them the first bell sounds at school on this day. And for other schoolchildren, teachers, students and parents, this holiday means the beginning of a new school year.

"Along fairy-tale paths" (bibliotechestvie)

Today, from the very morning, we received our little guests – the pupils of kindergarten No. 5. Young readers went on a fabulous journey into the magical world of fairy tales, where real miracles happen.

"Road Rules - reliable friends"

On May 31, students of the 1st grade of ANOSH No. 3 were invited to the safety hour "Road Rules - reliable friends", where they got acquainted with the Rules of the road.