Центральная детская библиотека


"This Fantastic Space" (for the World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day)

April 12 - World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day On this day, a real space trip took place in the children's library with students of the 2nd ”B” class of ASOS No.1. We know that the cosmos is full of riddles and mysteries, and the more you study it, the more riddles it presents.

“Forest-the wealth of nature”

On March 21, students of the 2nd grade of ASOS No. 1 visited us at a very useful and necessary ecological event “Forest-the wealth of nature” dedicated to the International Forest Day.

"A soldier stands guard over the Motherland" (for Defender of the Fatherland Day)

February 22 - on the eve of the significant holiday of the Day of Military Glory in the Russian Federation, Defender of the Fatherland Day, the information and educational hour “Standing Guard of the Motherland of Soldiers” was held in the Arsky district Children's Library, where students of the 7th grades of ASOSH No. 1 took part.

"Explorer and Traveler" (150th anniversary of the birth of M.M.Prishvin)

Are there wizards in the world? Many will say: "Of course not, they are only in fairy tales!" Once upon a time there was a kind wizard in the world, he understood the language of birds and animals, talked to them himself, sang the beauty of his native nature in his works. It was a kind writer-naturalist - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.

"How the hare wanted to become a star" (new year's performanc)

The New Year is already coming on the heels of the old one and is about to appear in all its glory! On the eve of the New Year, a traditional Christmas Tree was organized for children in the district children's library together with fairy-tale heroes.