Центральная детская библиотека


"Happy World of Childhood" (for the International Children's Day)

June 1 – according to the established good tradition, in front of the Arsk Central District Hospital for children of the inpatient department, the staff of the Arsk District Children's Library held a festive game program "Happy World of Childhood" dedicated to the International Children's Day.

To the start, Tatarstan! (Republican Book Marathon)

Hooray! On May 27 - on the All-Russian Library Day, a large-scale project "Kitapstan" was launched in the Arsky district, organized by the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and Ak Bars House.

"Read to remember!" (as part of the XIV International campaign "Reading to children about the Great Patriotic War")

The most solemn and spiritual holiday, which has no equal, is approaching - Victory Day. This is a day of remembrance, a day of pride, a day of gratitude to those who gave us Victory in the Great War. May 3 - as part of the XIV International Campaign "Reading to children about the Great Patriotic War", organized by the Samara Regional Children's Library, an hour of memory dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War was held for students of the 5th "B" class of ASOS No. 1.

“Tukai-show”(intellectual competition)

This year marks the 137th anniversary of the birth of the great Tatar poet Gabdullah Tukai. It should be noted that the works of Tukai have been finding their readers for more than a hundred years, despite their age and nationality.

"The Green World is our good home" (for the International Earth Day)

April 22 is World Earth Day. This is not just a big, but a truly global celebration of our planet. On the eve of this significant day, as well as within the framework of the "Spring Week of Kindness", an environmental lesson "Green World is our good home" was held in the Arsky District Children's Library, and the guests were students of the 2nd "B" class of ASOS No. 1 and kindergarten No. 9.

"We are heirs of traditions" (Summing up the results of the regional competition dedicated to the Year of National Cultures and Traditions in the Republic of Tatarstan)

On April 13, the results of the regional competition “We are the heirs of traditions”, dedicated to the year of national cultures and traditions in the Republic of Tatarstan, were summed up in the Arsky District Children's Library. The purpose of the contest is to remind children about ancient customs and awaken children's interest in the traditions of folk culture. As well as joint activities with kindergartens and schools to stimulate reading for toddlers from an early age.