“Library Collections in the Digital Era: Traditional and Technological Resources, Acquisition, and Use”

The Russian National Library and the Russian Library Association invite you to take part in the XIVth all-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, “Library Collections in the Digital Age: Traditional and Technological Resources, Acquisition, and Use,” which will be held from March 26–29, 2024, in St. Petersburg, in the Russian National Library.

Specialists in the field of acquisition of library collections, bibliographers, information workers, other library specialists, publishers, aggregators of electronic resources, and representatives of partner library companies are invited to participate.

The conference will be held online and remotely.

Registration is open to participants on the website of the Russian National Library until March 18, 2024.

More details: https://nlr.ru/nlr_pro/RA8272/fondy-bibliotek-v-tsifrovuyu-epokhu.