We invite you to participate in these All-Russian online events.

In order to develop local community, cultural and educational tourism, develop interactive relations between Russian and foreign regions and municipalities, as well as in connection with the 160th anniversary of the birth of A.P.  Chekhov and the 115th anniversary of the birth of M.A.  Sholokhov, in the second half of 2020, members of the Commission of the Public Chamber of theRussian Federationfor territorial development and local self-government plan to hold a number of events.

From now until October 15, 2020, correspondence competitions will be held for Russians and foreigners - those  working in the fields of culture and media, as well as musicians, artists, journalists, historians, writers, cameramen and directors, popularizers of cultural heritage and educational tourist ambassadors from non-capital Russian regions are invited to compete.  Regulations and registration forms can be found at the link: https://clck.ru/PYdBx.

From September to December 2020, it is planned to hold online meetings of the International Literary and Musical Club dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of A.P.  Chekhov and the 115th anniversary of the birth of M.A.  Sholokhov, and the work of other prominent writers, thanks to whom the non-capital regions of Russiabecame known to the whole world (the program and registration form will be published on the website www.glory-gallery.ru).

The results of this work will be summed up in November 2020, within the framework of the following large-scale forums:

  • The Second International Congress of Educational Tourism, Culture and Media Volunteers, "Living Heritage of the Small Motherland";
  • The literary festival, “Get to knowRussia: Donskoy Word” (hereinafter called the, “Congress, Festival”).

Due to the risk of the spread of coronavirus infection, the congress and festival will be held remotely this year.  Link to the project page on the Internet at: http://infovolunteer.tilda.ws/page12858580.html.

Pre-registration for participation in the events of the congress and festival CAn be found by following the link: https://forms.gle/FBop8UMejEQkRXRA6.

For participation in the events of the congress and the festival, please contact the Organizing Committee:

 E-mail: glory-gallery@mail.ru