District festival, "Theatre of the Volga Region"

We invite you to vote on the best performances from the district festival of school and student theater groups, "Theatre of the Volga Region.”  You can vote for the best performance on November 29th, from 13:00 to 13:00 the next day, at the toll free number: 8-800-350-35-43.  (for more details go to: www.theatralpolga.rf)

The Theatre of the Volga Region Festival is a new public project, launched in March of 2019, by the initiative of the plenipotentiary of the President of theRussian Federationin the Volga Federal District, in connection with the Year of the Theater,  held in 2019.

The goal of the festival is to engage young people in the theater environment in order to expand their cultural horizons, form humanistic and patriotic values, and create new incentives for the development of youth theater art. 

The project participants are students and younger children’s school theater groups.  Four-hundred-eighty-three theater groups, from all regions of the Volga Federal District, took part in the regional stage of the festival.  From theRepublicofTatarstan, the third year student collective of the Kazan State Institute of Culture (Kazan) and the RIF Theater Studio (MAOU Gymnasium No. 61, Naberezhnye Chelny) reached the finals.

Video versions of the winning performances of the first stage (regional selection) can be viewed on the official website of the festival, under the section, “Finalists” (see: www.театральноеприволжье.рф).  Each performance has its own serial number: from 1 -14, and from 15-28.

 Watch performances and vote for those you deem the best (you can’t vote for your region)!

 Project Information & Resources:

 Website: www.театральноеприволжье.рф

 VKontakte Page: vk.com/theatres.fest

 Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/theatres.fest

 Instagram Page: www.instagram.com/theatres.fest