"Estimated Regulation of the Organization of Research Activities of the Central Library of Measures Regarding the Russian Federation"
The Research Section of the Russian Library Association invites you to familiarize yourself with the recommendatory document, "Estimated Regulation of the Organization of Research Activities of the Central Library of Measures Regarding the Russian Federation,” prepared in 2022 by a group led by the Russian National Library, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, with the framework of considering measures to implement the, "Strategy for the Development of Library Sciences in the Russian Federation for the Period up to2030.”
One of the objectives of the strategy is to create, "a unified concept of scientific and methodological support for the activities of the country's libraries, regardless of departmental affiliation."
The regulation can be used as a basis for the development of documents regulating research activities in libraries of various types that conduct research work regarding library science, local history bibliography, the history of the region, the history of books and libraries, and the sociology of reading, etc.
The Russian Library Association invites interested specialists to familiarize themselves with the project and join the discussion. The document is planned to be adopted at the all-Russian Library of Congress inMurmansk.
You can send your comments and suggestions by e-mail to: lodygina@nlr.ru.