The Contemporary Aspects of Methodical Work of Libraries
On the 26th of November,2012 a workshop named «The contemporary aspects of methodical work of libraries» was held for professionals from the Scientific and methodological departments of the 18 Central Libraries of the Central Library System of theRepublic ofTatarstan. This workshop was presented by staff members of the Scientific Methodological Department of the Library at the Internet centre of the National Library of Tatarstan: 36, Karl.Marx St.,Kazan, Tatarstan, RF
The workshop given by Alina Albertovna Bassarieva consisted of an analysis of the implementation of projects’ department of JSC «Bars Group», about filling and keeping an electronic version of annual reports of the Central Library System of the Republic of Tatarstan in information-analytical system: «BARS.WEB-monitoring of culture». This topic was of immense professional interest of the audience.
In slide lectures of Kira Beksovna Fatheeva, chief librarian of the scientific and methodological department, discussed the role of the Russian Library Association; particular emphasis in developing mandatory regulatory documents of RLA such as articles of association, development priorities of the RLA for 2011-2015, Code of professional ethics of the RLA (2011) and standard model of the public library.
Olga Ivanovna Zueva, Chief of the sector for innovative work of the Scientific and Methodological Department of the National Library gave a detailed analysis of the evaluation of and recommendations for the design of municipal libraries in Tatarstan in her workshop entitled: «Innovation and design activities of libraries».
Olga Zueva also delivered an additional lecture on: «Library in the space of the new information technologies» introduced the audience to the application of the latest Internet technologies in Library Sciences.
Those attending the workshop were given an exhibition of the publications of the scientific and methodological department of the National Library of theRepublicofTatarstan.
The workshop has been completed with excursion on library.