Городская молодежная библиотека - филиал № 45


Healthy generation of the new century

"Health is a treasure, and a single one for the sake of which really should not only spend more time, effort, work and bountiful, but to sacrifice for his sake and parcel of life itself, because life without him is unbearable and humiliating" (Michel de Montaigne, French philosopher )

Your rights from A to z

"Freedom is the right to do what does not harm others" (Matthias Claudius, German poet)

Book of the year 2014

Subscription to our library continues to work annual exhibition "Book of the year 2014"

My native land is my pride

"Love of country must come out of love for mankind, as the particular from the General. Love of the Motherland - ardently wish to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and their power to promote it." V. G. Belinsky

Handmade magic

Exhibition of works of participants of the club "Skilful hands"

Writers - anniversaries

Book exhibition dedicated to the anniversaries of writers A. P. Chekhov and andré Maurois.

Youth reads and advises

What books will grow a new generation, what will it be, in what country it will live as true in our time as never before.

Yard holiday

Residents of the neighborhood gathered for a "neighbor Day"