Городская молодежная библиотека - филиал № 45


Tolerance: education of mercy

In the reading room of the library, the exhibition-lesson on the problems of tolerance to a different worldview, lifestyle, behavior and customs.

Video hour

Today, as part of the club "Tete-a-tete" was video hour "Shattered lives - shattered souls"

Learning computer

Today, the regular session of the club "Computer - your friend and helper "

Visiting the reading room "Your friend - the book"

For the purpose of crime prevention among children and adolescents and to attract students to reading books, 18 September the staff of our library visited the children's rehabilitation centre of Balkis.

Exhibition overview the 90th anniversary Garita Akhunov

18 September 2015 Garish Akhunov, the national writer of the Republic of Tatarstan, laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Tatarstan. G. Tukay would have turned 90 years old. The anniversary of the writer in our library organized a book exhibition.

Writers - anniversaries

"Good books never get old, they are given eternal youth and renewal in time" V. G. lidin

Teaching with enthusiasm

By the beginning of the school year in our library a book exhibition view "Teaching with passion".

The steps of the great Victory

On 24 August in the Park reading and relaxing near the Central library the staff of our library was a quiz, "the Steps of the great Victory".

Rainbow constellation parks

In connection with intensive development and transformation of the human, natural complexes, national parks and squares play an important role in the conservation of biological diversity, primarily to preserve and maintain the historical structure of the forest Fund, forest types, wildlife of their habitat. 2015 declared the Year of parks and gardens.