The help service "Ask a Librarian"

The help service "Ask a Librarian" is intended for supporting the interactive communication between user and librarian.

The portal contents the following command menu:

“Ask a question" – you can generate a new question by entering the theme of question and actually the question text. Also you have to indicate brief contact information about yourself. Then you should click the button “Ask”. After that you will get the unique number of your query;

“Question category” – clicking on thematic links you can review as questions as answers on the given topic;

“Go to the question” – you can check the status of query by its unique number or by its date. After entering the question number you will see the notation “The question has been processed” or “The question is been processed”. To find your query by date you should enter its time domain. Clicking on “Search” you will get the results;

Also you can review answers to the questions.


The reference guide executes:

  • Inquires about the availability of concrete native and foreign documents in the library summary electronic catalogue of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Thematic queries which do not connected with complicated bibliographic search;
  • Factual requests about any event, phenomenon, person, organization, etc. without requiring a complicated bibliographic search.

In accordance with the Regulations on The help service “Ask a Librarian” cannot accept the following requests:

  • related to  entertainment information (crossword puzzles, participation in intellectual games, quizzes and other contests);
  • on the procedure of work, service rules and conditions of access to funds and collections of various libraries;
  • associated with the need to provide such information as prepared essays, term papers and degree works.