Local History Events at the Libraries of the Republic of Tatarstan

On May 22, 2019, in Old Studenetskoy  rural library (in the Buinsky municipal area) the seminar for librarians, "Local History Events at the  Libraries of the Republic of Tatarstan," took place: "Current State and Prospects," organized by the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Representatives of the centralized library systems of Tatarstan became participants in the seminar. With a salutatory word, Nazmetdinova Lucia Maskhutovna, the manager of the Scientific and Methodical Department of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, addressed the audience. In her talk she analysed the local history events of the libraries of the republic. Zamaliyeva Zaynap Abugaleevna, the main librarian of the Scientific and Methodical Department of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, acquainted participants of the seminar with the winners of the republican competition, "Book of the Year – 2017."

A report on the current state and actual problems of Tatar literary criticism was given by professor Galimullin Foat Galimullovich.

Representatives of the Buinsky area presented concerning, "Local History Events of Libraries of the Buinsky Municipal Area at the Present Stage," and, "Local History Collection of the l

Libraries of the Buinsky Municipal Area: Current State."

Library employees from the Department for the Study of Local Lore, from the Drozhzhanovsky, Apastovsky, Kaybitssky, and Buinsky areas of the republic, shared their experiences. Employees of libraries realize that the main objective lies in keeping interest in the society and history of our  native land alive.

The seminar was ended with a literary musical.

Summing up the seminar, the head of the department of culture, of the executive committee of the Buinsky municipal area, R. Zh. Gimranov, noted the  positive experience of libraries of the area and urged librarians to actively participate in programs and to design activities.

An exhibition of works by  members of local history clubs decorated the library foyer.