Яна-Булякская сельская библиотека - филиал № 27

Home Front workers are inconspicuous War Heroes

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On the eve of the Great Victory Day, the library will host a meeting with home front workers and war children – whose childhood and youth fell during the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. There are fewer and fewer of them among us every year. The children of war and home front workers are the winners who bore all the hardships of the war years on their shoulders. During the event, the librarian will tell about the heroic deeds of our countrymen, about the labor exploits of women and children. Each fate of these people, even if it is short, speaks of great courage and perseverance, great patience and the ability to live in difficult times of war. Veterans will tell about the hard working days in the rear, about how young children forged a long-awaited victory on an equal basis with adults. In turn, students will tell poems about young heroes