Центральная библиотека
  • Web site: http://библиотека-челны.рф/
  • Phone: (8552) 70-02-26
  • E-mail: library-cbs@mail.ru
  • Address: 423807 РТ, г.Набережные Челны, б-р Ямашева, 4/14А Проезд: трамваем до остановки «ДК "Энергетик"», автобусом до остановки «Гостиница Татарстан» или «Парк культуры»



Opening of the exhibition «Beauty of the native land»

23 September at 15 o'clock at the Central city library held a personal exhibition "Beauty of native land" member of the Union of artists of Russia and Tatarstan Rouse latypovoj-Ivanova.

Location: Центральная библиотека

Online Festival "health for 5+»

The festival will summarize the results of the online essay contest "health for 5+" and the network campaign "We are for healthy lifestyle!".

Location: Центральная библиотека

Christmas meetings

Traditional Christmas meetings will be held in the Central city library.

Location: Центральная библиотека

«We are different, but we are together»

In the central city library, the network game «We are different, but we are together» has started, which takes place as part of the annual PR project «My Land and I, the more I think, the more I save».

Location: Центральная библиотека

PR project «My land and I, the more I think, the more I save»

In the Central City Library, the network game «We are different, but we are together» was launched, which takes place as part of the annual PR project "My Land and I, the more I think, the more I think".

Location: Центральная библиотека

«Ring and sing, mother tongue!»

From January 25 to February 23, the Central City Library accepts applications for participation in the online contest «Link and sing, native language!»

Location: Центральная библиотека

«The future is in our hands»

To promote educational institutions of the city and popularize professions that are in demand on the labor market, employees of the National and Local History Department of the Central City Library organize a career guidance day «The Future is in our hands».

Location: Центральная библиотека

Online music battle «Russian poetry in Music»

The Art Department of the Central City Library has launched a network music battle «Russian poetry in music» in the social network "VKontakte".

Location: Центральная библиотека

The fifth all-Russian campaign «Give books with love-2021»

From February 8 to 14, 2021, the Association of Cultural, Art and Educational Figures for Introducing Children to Reading "Raising the Reader" is holding the Fifth all-Russian campaign "Give books with love", dedicated to the International Book-Making Day, which is celebrated on February 14 in many countries of the world.

Location: Центральная библиотека

Book exhibition «The Great Commander of the Russian Land»

n 2021, the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky (1221-1263) will be celebrated. The exhibition will run from February 8 until the end of 2021.

Location: Центральная библиотека

«The Many Faces Chelny»

On February 18, 2021, at the Central City Library named after him. Musa Jalil will host the VII Library Festival of national cultures and literatures of the peoples of the region - «Many-faced Chelny». The fest

Location: Центральная библиотека

«Dear Fatherland okolitsa»

On February 20, at 15 o'clock, the Central City Library will host a musical and creative evening with the singer Voroniya, dedicated to the Year of Native Languages and National Unity in Tatarstan.

Location: Центральная библиотека

On the 115th anniversary of the birth of Musa Jalil.

On February 25, at 13.00, the Central City Library will host a literary and musical evening "Barыyrymny ilg bagyshladym", dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of Musa Jalil.

Location: Центральная библиотека