Центральная библиотека
  • Web site: http://библиотека-челны.рф/
  • Phone: (8552) 70-02-26
  • E-mail: library-cbs@mail.ru
  • Address: 423807 РТ, г.Набережные Челны, б-р Ямашева, 4/14А Проезд: трамваем до остановки «ДК "Энергетик"», автобусом до остановки «Гостиница Татарстан» или «Парк культуры»



Tukaj for all time

18 April 2016, the Central city contains a library organizes flash mob "Tukaj for all time".

Location: Центральная библиотека

Biblionight - 2016

Central city library for the fourth time opens its doors to residents and guests of the city at an unusual time. For our guests we have prepared an exciting programme full of interesting meetings, new impressions and cultural experience.

Location: Центральная библиотека

The artist and the time

In the Department of art Central city library will host the opening of a personal exhibition of paintings Chelny artist Victor Semykin.

Location: Центральная библиотека

Best agitation in the protection of nature

13 may 2016, the National-local history Department of the Central city library held the awarding of winners of the regional art contest "Best agitation in the protection of nature",

Location: Центральная библиотека

Rainbow summer

June 1, the libraryinvites all childrento a happy holiday "Rainbow summer", devoted to Day of protection of children.

Location: Центральная библиотека

Presentation of the book

July 25, 2016, at 17.00 in the Central city library held a presentation of the book V. Kulikova and E. Starostina, "Fourteen days that shook Naberezhnye Cheln".

Location: Центральная библиотека

My city

August 22 at 17.00 will be held a literary festival "My city".

Location: Центральная библиотека

Gold autumn

This evening a musical and literary salon will gather people who love this time of year, reflect it in their poetry, music, fine art.

Location: Центральная библиотека

Every woman for the note

In the arts sector of the Central city library will host the next meeting at school of patients with the oncologists of the city.

Location: Центральная библиотека

Literary-musical evening "BU dnya Mac topdir"

On October 28 at the Central city library held a literary-musical evening "BU dnya Mac toader", dedicated to the poetess lilac Yakupova.

Location: Центральная библиотека

"The world of beauty and harmony"

12 November at 16.00 in the art Department of the Central city library held a personal exhibition of the artist - decorator Tatar drama theater leysan Galimova.

Location: Центральная библиотека

"Of Jasmine USIP Kara"

Literary-musical evening dedicated to the decade of disabled persons.

Location: Центральная библиотека

Opening of the exhibition "Homeland"

17 Dec 16.00 in the literary salon of the Central city library will be opened the personal exhibition of poet and artist Nikolai Kudryavtsev.

Location: Центральная библиотека

"Fascinating Altai"

In the Central city library will be opening the exhibition

Location: Центральная библиотека

"The Winter Ball"

In the literary salon of the Central city library held "the Winter Ball"

Location: Центральная библиотека