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Online literary meeting "This Life"

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A live broadcast with a member of the Union of Russian Writers and Tatarstan, the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Tatarstan, a member of the Literary Fund of Russia and the International Literary Fund Mars Yagudin will take place in the VKontakte social networks in the Central City Library group.

Mars Yagudin is the author of numerous books, publications in periodicals, the winner of a number of literary competitions. Based on the manuscripts of his father, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a well-known journalist, correspondent of the newspaper "For the Motherland" (1941-1945), Nafik Yagudin published the book "This Life". This documentary and journalistic publication gives a general idea of the hero's life path.

During the conversation, Mars Nafikovich will talk about his life, the family's teaching dynasty and creative path, how he finds subjects for his works, the sources of inspiration and various life situations that he captured in his books.