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Opening of the exhibition "Stages of Mastery"

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The exhibition of Rasul Mingalimov, a teacher of the Children's Art School No. 1, and his students will be opened in the Small Art Gallery of the Central City Library.
Rasul Kamilevich is a professional artist, a member of the International Union of Art Teachers. In 2022, he was awarded the honorary badge "Best Teacher". An active participant of exhibitions, competitions of various levels, the All–Russian Plein-air symposium. Conducts personal exhibition activities.
Since 2017, he has been a teacher of Secondary School No. 1. His talented students, graduates of 2023, will present their works at the exhibition, along with the teacher. Perhaps, for some of his students, participation in this exhibition will be the first and last, and, perhaps, vice versa, the beginning of a great creative journey.

We invite everyone! Information by phone: 70-02-26