Городская библиотека - филиал № 22
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru/en/site/42317908-22/
  • Phone: not have
  • E-mail: nchelny.bibl22@tatar.ru
  • Address: 423800 РТ, г. Набережные Челны пр. Вахитова, 3,СОШ №48 (Новый город, 54/23). Проезд автобусами и трамваем до остановки «Ак мечеть» по Московскому проспекту, или до остановки «Детские сады» по проспекту М. Вахитова.

Literary lesson " in the footsteps of heroes"

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December 24 in the library-branch number 22 for students of grade 6 will be a literary lesson on the work of the Tatar writer Shamil Rakipov "in the footsteps of heroes." During the lesson, the children will get acquainted with the biography of the documentary writer, as well as with his works, which are written on a documentary basis. Students will learn that all his heroes are real people who committed exceptional feats during the great Patriotic war and were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and whose names have long been undeservedly forgotten. This fearless guerrilla scout Ivan kabushkin, senior Sergeant Gazi Zagitov, hoisted over the Reichstag banner, pilots regiment night bombers Maguba Syrtlanova, Olga Sanfirova, Rufina gasheva and other our countrymen. The audience will see newsreels and fragments from feature films about these heroes and events.