Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 17

The unforgotten heroes of the undeclared war

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February 15, Russia celebrates the Day of memory of Russians who performed their duty outside the Fatherland. February 14 in the library of No. 17 will be held the evening of memory "Unforgotten heroes of the undeclared war", dedicated to the citizens who did not return from Afghanistan.
At the event, seniors will receive information on local military conflicts, which involved the Russians know about the Afghan war as tragic pages in the history of our country. Songs and poems, memories and pictures of former soldiers-internationalists, newsreels will help children to plunge into the atmosphere of the war, imbued with respect for the soldiers who with honor and dignity fulfilled their duty. You will hear poems and songs former soldiers-Afghans, and electronic presentation "Afghanistan hurts in my soul" will attract the students ' attention to the problem of preserving the memory of the heroic past of our soldiers.