Городская библиотека - филиал № 13

Dying, the hero will not die

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On the eve of the memorial day of the great Tatar poet Musa Jalil, Hero of the Soviet Union, winner of the Lenin Prize, who gave his life for the freedom and independence of our Motherland, the library invites citizens to a literary evening "Batyr ulsa da, iseme Kala". During the evening, the participants will remember interesting facts from the poet's life, from literary activity; about his feat: about how he fought, was captured, about the terrible time spent in the fascist dungeons of concentration camps, about jalilovtsy, about underground activities and about the autobiographical book of poems "Moabit notebook" that immortalized his name with the showing of videos, photographic materials. And reading M. Jalil's poems and listening to songs based on his words will create an atmosphere of unity with high poetry.