The IVth International Bibliographic Congress

We invite you to take part in the IVth International Bibliographic Congress. At the all-Russian Library Congress of the Russian Library Association, which took place in Kazan on May 19th- 24th, 2024, it was announced that the IVth International Bibliographic Congress would be held in September of 2025, in Yakutsk, at the National Library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The congress theme is, “Bibliography in the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage and Linguistic Diversity of the Peoples of the World.”

Bibliographers from all countries of the world are invited to the International Bibliographic Congress (there is no registration fee).

All inquiries about topics, questions, and issues regarding the congress can be sent to the organizing committee at:

The information letter and registration form for the congress will be posted on the websites of the Russian Library Association, the Russian State Library, the Russian National Library, the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS, and the National Library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

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