The All-Russian Library Congress of the Russian Library Association in Kazan

The All-Russian Library Congress of the Russian Library Association took place in Kazan on May 19th - 24th, 2024. It was carried out with the support of the government of the Republic of Tatarstan, using a grant provided by the Russian Cultural Foundation, within the framework of the federal project, “Creative People,” of the national project, “Culture.”

The congress was held under the motto, “The Library in a Multi-Cultural World.” The grand opening took place at the Korston State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (see:

The congress had the largest ever turnout of the RLA Annual Conferences, and brought together more than 1,550 registered library specialists, from Russia, and eleven foreign countries.

At the meetings, 693 reports were presented, there were about forty breakout sessions, and more than a dozen special events were held, thematically covering all aspects of library science. Of particular importance were the joint meetings of the RLA sections, which involved discussion of issues at the inter-departmental level.

On May 23rd, at the closing ceremony of the RLA, the Chairman of the Youth Section of the RLA, according to tradition, held a solemn ceremony, “Initiation into the Profession” for eighteen young specialists from state and municipal libraries of the Republic of Tatarstan, and advised colleagues at the beginning of their professional journey.

The ceremonial part of the closing traditionally included awarding the RLA Medal “for Contribution to the Development of Libraries,” and the, “Honorary Member of the RLA,” badge, as well as the presentation of state and departmental awards.

At the final plenary session of the all-Russian Library of Congress: XXVIII Annual Conference of the RLA, the results of the elections for the RLA Board for 2024–2027 were announced and approved.

The final event of the conference was the announcement of the Library Capital of Russia in 2025: next year the Russian Library Association Congress will be held in Izhevsk. The honorary symbol of the, “Library Capital of Russia,” was presented to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Udmurt Republic.

Closing of the Russian Library Association Congress: