Калмашская сельская библиотека - филиал № 9
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru//ru//accounts|login
  • Phone: 8(8552)37-71-24
  • E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru
  • Address: 423886, РТ, Тукаевский район, с. Калмаш , ул. Центральная, д. 32 E-mail : zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru 423886, РТ, Тукай районы, Калмаш авылы, Үзәк урамы, 32 нче йорт E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru 423886, RT, Tukai region, village of Kalmacs, street Central, d. 32 E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru

Library-our profession

In the opening ceremony of the Days took place the opening of the book-illustrative exhibition "Tatarstan: pages of history". In parallel was presented a tablet - banner exhibition "the national library of Russia: the 200th anniversary of the opening. Preserving our past, discovering the future". Russian national library of St. Petersburg is one of the five largest libraries in the world with more than 37 million books.