Калмашская сельская библиотека - филиал № 9
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  • Address: 423886, РТ, Тукаевский район, с. Калмаш , ул. Центральная, д. 32 E-mail : zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru 423886, РТ, Тукай районы, Калмаш авылы, Үзәк урамы, 32 нче йорт E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru 423886, RT, Tukai region, village of Kalmacs, street Central, d. 32 E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru

Tolstoy day in the library

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First, for primary school students offered to view the book exhibition, which consists of 2 sections "Leo Tolstoy in Kazan" and "Leo Tolstoy-children." In total, the exhibition 18 books of the great writer L. N. Tolstoy. For quotes used in the statement of N. To. Mikhailovsky "Thick for us more than the writer..."The quiz uses works written for children and biographical data of the writer.