Калмашская сельская библиотека - филиал № 9
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru//ru//accounts|login
  • Phone: 8(8552)37-71-24
  • E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru
  • Address: 423886, РТ, Тукаевский район, с. Калмаш , ул. Центральная, д. 32 E-mail : zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru 423886, РТ, Тукай районы, Калмаш авылы, Үзәк урамы, 32 нче йорт E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru 423886, RT, Tukai region, village of Kalmacs, street Central, d. 32 E-mail: zinfira.mannapova@bk.ru

"Navruz - the holiday of the sun and spring"

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Navruz is the day of the vernal equinox, a celebration of the first day of spring and the renewal of nature. Navruz plays a significant role in strengthening ties between peoples based on mutual respect and the ideals of peace and good neighborliness. Its traditions and rituals reflect the cultural and ancient customs of the civilizations of the East and West, which have become widespread in the context of the interchange of human values. Celebrating Navruz means affirming life in harmony with nature, realizing the inextricable link between creative work and natural cycles of renewal, and caring and respectful attitude to natural sources of life. The folklore festival "Navruz - the holiday of the sun and spring" will be held in the Kalmash rural library