Бурдинская сельская библиотека - филиал № 8

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation

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The Russian Constitution is a solid foundation for the democratic development of the Russian state. This is not just a declaration of good intentions, it is a real working document of direct action. The Constitution for a citizen of any country is the Law that he should know first of all, because knowledge and competent application of laws is the norm of civilized life, a powerful lever to improve its quality. For more than ten years, Constitution Day has been an official holiday. However, in December 2004, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, changing the festive calendar of Russia. The law provides for the abolition of the day off on Constitution Day, and the holiday itself in July 2005 was ranked among the memorable dates of Russia. Despite this, on December 12, various events are held throughout the country in honor of the main law of the state. Especially a lot of them are held in educational and cultural institutions of Russian cities — these are law lessons, round tables, thematic presentations and exhibitions, etc