Бурдинская сельская библиотека - филиал № 8

Samuil Marshak is a well–known Russian poet,

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Samuil Marshak is a well–known Russian poet, translator, playwright, screenwriter, literary critic. Author of numerous books for children. He was awarded the Stalin Prize four times, and received another prestigious Lenin Prize in 1973. Samuel Marshak began composing his first poems long before he learned to write. It was later, many years later, that Korney Chukovsky would say that Marshak was passionately obsessed with poetry, that he could not imagine his life without it. Samuel Marshak devoted his life not only to writing poetry for adults and children, but also to social activities, the result of which was the creation of a children's theater, one of the first in the USSR, as well as the first printed children's publishing house. The Burda Rural Library invites its young readers to get acquainted with the most famous works of the poet.