Ильбухтинская сельская библиотека - филиал № 7

"There is an eternal trace of the war"

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This war was one of the most severe tests that our country withstood with honor. The heroism of the soldier who stood to the death and the heroism of the worker who forged this victory in the rear will never be forgotten. Our duty is to preserve the memory of this feat, respect for perseverance, courage, selfless love for our Fatherland and pass it on to the next generations. In the hall there is an exhibition"There is an eternal trace of the war". Here you can find documentary literature about the war: essays, memoirs of eyewitnesses. One of the sections of the exhibition is devoted to the best works about the war for children, among them-stories about the war by L. Kassil, A. Mityaev, S. Alekseev, N. Bogdanov and others.