Круглопольская сельская библиотека - филиал № 35

"Lilac - the image of the Motherland and love"

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Lilac - this modest flower, which S. Rachmaninov called the queen of his soul, had a special meaning for the composer. Lilac was a symbol of his beloved homeland, as well as a kind of Guardian Angel, who invariably accompanied the genius maestro throughout his life: from the time of his youth, when he first felt the fragrant aroma of a flower in the village of Ivanovka and until the very last days.

A literary and musical meeting in honor of Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov will be held in the Krugopol village Library, where the participants of the event will get acquainted with the masterpiece of Rachmaninoff's lyrics, the romance "Lilac".