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Razil Valeev-people's poet

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He was born on January 4, 1947 in the village of Tashlyk in the Sheremetyevo (now Nizhnekamsk) district. Graduated from the M.Gorky Literary Institute (1972, Moscow). The main theme of R. Valeev's poetry is his native land, nature protection, anxiety for the fate of the universe. R.Valeev's books have been translated into Russian and Bashkir languages. The name of Razil Valeev is widely known abroad. He represents our republic at many international conferences and symposiums, makes reports and lectures in the USA, Canada, England, Turkey, Poland, Israel, China, Spain, Korea, Japan. The poet was awarded the International Silver Medal "For Services to the preservation and development of civilization, life and culture on Earth." The biographical centers of the USA and England chose Razil Valeev as a member of their boards and included his biography in the World Encyclopedia "Who is Who". In 1993, the Biographical Institute of North Carolina (USA) awarded Razil Valeev the honorary title of "Man of the twentieth Century".