Стародрюшская сельская библиотека - филиал № 31

"We read at home and in kindergarten"

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The popular children's writer Grigory Oster once said: "Read books to children, not lectures," and he was absolutely right when he argued that minutes of reading an interesting book are much more useful for a child than hours of boring and useless lectures. Modern experts in the field of books and reading have come to the conclusion that the easiest and most effective way to arouse children's interest in a book is to read aloud, to which the project is dedicated. Among other things, loud expressive reading arouses the child's interest and desire to continue reading independently. I would like to note that reading aloud, despite the variety of information sources, is popular among children and teenagers today. In the process of loud reading, the children will learn interesting facts from the life of the authors of the books they have read, will be able to discuss important points in the work for them, express their point of view, and, of course, get emotional pleasure from reading.