Староабдуловская сельская библиотека - филиал № 30

Let's light a candle of memory

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The Candle of Memory campaign is an all–Russian action, the participants of which annually on the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow on June 22 light candles and honor the memory with a minute of silence in honor of the 27 million who died in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and all those who fell in the battles for the Motherland. Millions of candles of remembrance on war memorials are not only a sign of the common sorrow of the peoples who defeated fascism, but also a symbol of deep gratitude and unity in assessing the historical past for the sake of the future of mankind. Throughout Russia, the "Candle of Remembrance" and "Minute of Silence" campaigns have become a traditional and annual national event.