Староабдуловская сельская библиотека - филиал № 30

"Corruption IS NOT FOR US!"

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Corruption is one of the most serious problems of our society. Each of us knows what it is, and perhaps many have already experienced bribery in practice. Most often, corruption means receiving bribes, illegal monetary income for the sake of personal enrichment. People should know how terrible corruption is. Firstly, it changes people's consciousness, and people begin to believe that everything in this world depends on money, that you can buy everything. A book exhibition "Together against Corruption" will be organized in the library. Readers will get acquainted with the exhibition where materials will be presented on anti-corruption state policy in Russia, on anti-corruption measures, on responsibility for corruption crimes, as well as on the need for law-abiding life in society and on intolerance towards corruption, since an effective fight against it today is unthinkable without the responsibility of all citizens. It is important to understand that the fight against corruption is the business of the whole society