Бетькинская сельская библиотека - филиал № 3

"The Song of the heart"

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A survey exhibition dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. Yerikeev will be decorated in the Betkin SB. Akhmed Yerikeyev became famous for his poems to songs. In them he glorified the motherland, peaceful work, life under the Soviet system, friendship of peoples. The most popular songs were "Accordion", "Komsomolka Gulsara", "Moscow", "Partizanka", "Song of Friendship", "Song of Lenin" ("Lenin turynda җyr"), "Bird cherry", "Overcoat". Russian Russian Brother" ("Rus kardashem"), "Greetings to the Russian people" ("Rus khalkyna salam"), "Ukraine", "Druzhba" ("Duslyk") are known from lyrical works. Yerikeev is also the author of several books for children: "Fairy tales for kids", "Poems for little ones", "Spring Thunder", "Harvest".