Яна-Булякская сельская библиотека - филиал № 27

Russia is a country of unity

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On November 4, the Russian Federation celebrates National Unity Day – a tribute to the memory of our glorious history. National Unity Day is a holiday that should be known from an early age. The modern Day of National Unity is a holiday that encourages people not only to remember the most important historical events, but also to remind the citizens of a multinational country of the importance of unity. Yana Bulyakskaya Selskaya invites you to a thematic hour dedicated to this significant date. During the event, we will recall the main historical events, the events of 1612, the origins of the Troubles, how the people's militia led by D. Pozharsky and K. Minin achieved the liberation of the capital. The story will be accompanied by a presentation. At the end of the event, the participants of the event will answer the quiz questions.