Яна-Булякская сельская библиотека - филиал № 27

In the world of fairy tales by Gabdulla Tukai

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Gabdulla Tukai entered the history of Tatar literature as a great national poet. Tukai's legacy includes more than 400 poems, 9 poems, 350 short stories, essays and memoirs, including wonderful poems for children in the Tatar language. On the birthday of the great Tatar writer Gabdulla Tukai, a drawing contest entitled "In the World of fairy tales of G. Tukai" will be held in the library. The librarian will introduce the works of G.Tukai, then we will draw fairy-tale characters. Through the poet's works, children will learn the traditions of the Tatar people, its foundations: respect, respect for elders, kindness and responsiveness.