Кузкеевская сельская библиотека - филиал № 26

“Gadellek җyrchysy”

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M. Amirkhanov - an excellent student of public education of the RSFSR (1970), laureate of the Kh. Yamashev Union of Journalists of Tatarstan Prize (1985), Honored Worker of Culture of the TASSR (1987). Since 1993 the writer has been a member of the Union of Writers of Tatarstan.

In 2007, for the works "Mukarrama" and "I, kylgan dogam minem" ("My Prayer"), he was awarded the literary prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Union of Writers of Tatarstan named after F. Husni. . It is planned to prepare a book exhibition in the Kuzkeyevsky rural library and expand the reader's understanding of the life and work of the famous writer.

“Gadellek җyrchysy”