Иштеряковская сельская библиотека - филиал № 22

"The magazine "Syuyumbike " is 110 years old!"

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In 2023, the magazine for women "Syuyumbike" turns 110 years old. Since its foundation, the magazine has published articles on the labor and social activities of women, essays, stories on family and everyday topics, lyrical poems, poems; highlights the development of theater, fine and musical arts, publishes tips on home economics and a healthy lifestyle. It began to be published in 1913 in the Tatar language. And from 1926 to 1991, the magazine was published under the name "Azat Khatyn". A book exhibition dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the first issue of the magazine "Syuyumbike" will be prepared in the library. Historical information about the magazine and the magazine itself will be presented.