Иштеряковская сельская библиотека - филиал № 22

"The amulet doll"

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Dolls made of fabric have always been part of the Russian-Slavic culture, and not all of them served as toys for children. Many of them had a cult significance and were made specifically for: protecting the home; conducting certain rituals during folk or agricultural holidays; protecting the life and health of family members or pets. Moreover, in this case, each of the dolls was made either for the amulet of the whole family at once, or specifically for one person - a small child, a pregnant woman, an old man. If we talk about the traditions of creating such dolls, then we must say that they were made exclusively by girls, girls and women. It is planned to hold a master class on creating amulet dolls from fabric in the Ishteryakovskaya rural library.