Иштеряковская сельская библиотека - филиал № 22

"Writers of the native land"

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The village of Ishteryakovo is famous for its remarkable history, hardworking and enterprising people, mentors who brought knowledge to many regions. Natives of the village: Hero of the Soviet Union Kalimulla Yakupov, such famous writers as Rafis Salimzyanov, Husain Jafar, Jamila Akhtyamova, Honored Worker of Culture of Tatarstan, aksakal of journalism Ildus Gareevich Ildarkhanov. Also in the village of Ishteryakovo passed the childhood and youth years of the writer and composer, poet and singer Almaz Khamzin, Razil Valeev. It is planned to organize a book exhibition displaying the creative biography of writers of the village.