Новотроицкая сельская библиотека - филиал № 15

"World day aloud"

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You can read aloud a magazine or newspaper, the latest news from the Internet or popular posts from social networks, but best of all-a good book. Fiction or detective stories, plays or novels, poems or fairy tales-choose what you like. You can read to yourself, without hesitating to Express feelings and without being afraid to stumble. And you can read to someone, sharing your favorite works and experiences with them.                                                      Experts can easily give a hundred and one arguments in favor of reading aloud. They will tell us that it develops memory and enriches the vocabulary, improves diction and increases the level of literacy, teaches us to pay more attention to what we read and empathize with the characters... this list can be continued. But most importantly, reading aloud teaches us to love books.