Шильнебашская сельская библиотека - филиал № 10

"The Nightingale's melodious language Tukai"»

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In the framework of the action "Marathon of Tukai" in Chilebsdcon DOE "poplar" held an event "Santagati monly Tukay body" dedicated to the 133 – th anniversary from the birthday of the great Tatar poet – writer G. Tukai. The celebration was held in two languages for the pupils of the kindergarten, with the participation of the Tutors of the institutions, the artistic Director of the SDK Marineway Maria Mikhailovna and head of the rural library of Barium Nursery Nigmatovna. Leading the celebration was the teacher of the native language Mayorov RESEDA Mullanurovna. Children entered the hall to the music of S. Saydashev "Tukai marches". The host of the event spoke about the biography of the poet, stood to hear the national anthem of the Tatar people, then, the children recited poems and participated in pageants, “Gali beln K”, “Kazikli skirt”. For young viewers was prepared staging with the participation of heroes from fairy tales "About goat and sheep" and "Water". To the music of S. Saidashev from the ballet "Shurale" the hall includes Shurale (Barieva Nurzilya Nigmatovna), tickled children, then,